a Letter From Vanessa Rose

to the sweet soul reading this,

                                                                                    I'm Vanessa Rose, and I’m thrilled you’ve taken the first step on this transformative journey.
For over 12 years, I’ve guided individuals like you toward whole-body wellness and spiritual fulfillment. My unique fusion of ancient practices and modern insights transcends the ordinary, helping you unlock your inner potential – that you may not yet even see – and live fully into your truth.
Before aligning with my soul’s mission, I was working at my first job out of college and could not believe this was what I had jumped so many hoops for. I found myself conflicted wondering how I could go beyond the assumed status quo of working towards the American Dream!
I knew that it was not as easy as putting my dream life on a vision board, so I began listening. The more that I would listen, the more that would be revealed. My clairaudient gift turned on and one particular day in my office when talking to a colleague I heard “Take her into meditation.” I kind of chuckled but went ahead anyway. As I followed the request to take people into meditation, I began to remember and understand. This remembering and understanding through others’ systems led me to seek lived experiences as a way of learning–as opposed to enrolling in another degree program. It wasn’t much time after this initial invitation to meditate that I would quit my job and live a nomadic journey in which I traveled consistently for four years running my business and being guided to sacred sites around the world. 

It is an honor to have you here. 

This is how I learned to trust–in both Life and Myself. I realized early on in business that If I did not believe in myself, no one else would. 

I now help my clients do this very same process but in a way that is unique to them. When their conscious mind has them blocked and trying to understand how, why, but, when? I move them into an expanded state through guided meditations. It is through guided meditation that the mind does not know if it is experiencing something or imagining it. In this state, we listen to the body as it always gives the individual its next right step. I am solely there to interpret and keep a close eye on the old patterning as it will want to pull you into the old, familiar, more comfortable way. It is the deeper aspect of yourself, your soul, that will be our guide to create your desired reality!

I have spent the last 10 years creating a sanctuary for seekers to be tracked and accurately reflected on their journey through 1:1 private coaching, group coaching, my signature program ACTV8, my foundational space Soul-ution, retreats, countless workshops, hundreds of recorded meditations, monthly teachings, and soul-nourishing practices. 

I am here to create a reality where our power and purpose converge… I sense that is why you’re here too. I invite you to join me on this journey together. 


Vanessa dives deep into the darkest places and takes individuals to unexplored depths, beyond what traditional therapy might reach.

What set's her apart

She can quickly see through any façade and recognize potential, even before the individual does.

Intuitive and Insightful Perception:

Vanessa understands the intricate workings of your operating system, how you compartmentalize information, and the fragmentation in your body, working to create coherence and wholeness.

Holistic and Systemic Understanding:

Deep and Profound Healing:


She offers unwavering support and deeply trusts herself and the individual, creating a safe space for profound transformation.

Trust and Support:

Vanessa has a unique understanding of how the nervous system is hard-wired based in the human physiologic design. She uses this knowledge to help individuals integrate and heal.

Nervous System Integration:

Work with Vanessa 

Transform into your most connected self over 12 months, guided by nature and supported by a vibrant community. With Vanessa’s unique approach, this isn’t traditional therapy—it’s a life-changing container where profound growth unfolds. Soul-ution is the space where transformation happens.

Start Your Journey

find out more


Align with Earth’s Rhythms for One Year

Be held accountable in a group coaching format with bi-weekly calls with Vanessa, deeper excavation, and wider expansion. For the woman who desires a less self-paced transformation, but less hand holding than private coaching.

Start Your Journey

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A 6 Month Group
Coaching Container

Vanessa's version of a business track. Create ultimate freedom by breaking free from constraints, embracing a fulfilling and joyful career that aligns with your true potential and desires, all while designing a life that’s rich with your deepest passions and values.

Start Your Journey

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Align to Your

You know you’re ready to invest in 1:1 support, and a guide to walk with you side by side, because you’ve decided to stop self-sabotaging. At this time you’ve committed to stepping off the constantly spinning roller coaster and step into safety to receive your full potential. 

Start Your Journey

find out more


I Want to Work
One on One

Private Coaching 

Transform into your most connected self over 12 months, guided by nature and supported by a vibrant community. With Vanessa’s unique approach, this isn’t traditional therapy—it’s a life-changing container where profound growth unfolds. Soul-ution is the space where transformation happens.

Align with Earth’s Rhythms for One Year


Start Your

find out more!

Be held accountable in a 6 month group coaching format with bi-weekly calls with Vanessa, deeper excavation, and wider expansion. For the woman who desires a less self-paced transformation, but less hand holding than private coaching.

Upgrade to


find out more!

Vanessa's version of a business track! Create ultimate freedom by breaking free from constraints, embracing a fulfilling and joyful career that aligns with your true potential and desires, all while designing a life that’s rich with your deepest passions and values.

Align to Your Purpose


find out more!

You know you’re ready to invest in 1:1 support, and a guide to walk with you side by side, because you’ve decided to stop self-sabotaging. At this time you’ve committed to stepping off the constantly spinning roller coaster and step into safety to receive your full potential. 

Work 1 on 1

Private Coaching 

find out more!

Mel P

I immediately benefited from the energetic container of Soul-ution upon joining! It is built in a way that reflects you accurately—something I didn’t have my entire life growing up. Soul-lution has become a place where I can unwind and unravel all the programming that no longer serves me. Having the experience of being held and witnessed by a group of women has been one of the greatest breakthroughs I have had so far.

I immediately benefited from the energetic container of Soul-ution upon joining! It is built in a way that reflects you accurately—something I didn’t have my entire life growing up. Soul-lution has become a place where I can unwind and unravel all the programming that no longer serves me.

Meredith E

Soul-ution has been the ultimate journey in community and connection–connection with others and with myself. I’ve seen myself through others, I’ve practiced communication and listening, and I’ve shared openly and vulnerably to receive invaluable support and coaching. This has been the best investment I’ve ever made. It has not been easy nor linear, but it is powerful and life-changing. I’ve made intentions and incredible progress and could not have done this without the support of Vanessa, Leigah and the Soul-ution community. I’m living 2024 connected with being true to my soul and all that it means, including trusting that I don’t have to know the way “the way knows the way.

This has been the best investment I’ve ever made. It has not been easy nor linear, but it is powerful and life-changing. I’ve made intentions and incredible progress and could not have done this without the support of Vanessa, Leigah and the Soul-ution community. 

Courtney D

Vanessa and I grew a relationship I didn’t know I needed; she helped me grow in profound ways during my time in Unfold. 

Your  Investment Begins Here

Your body holds a powerful wisdom, and throughout this deeply transformational journey, you'll access your intuition and create the depth, authenticity and connections you've been craving through living in harmony with the Earth.

$208.33/month for 12 months

Ready to start your journey?

I want the soul-ution




let's be friends

 Follow along for embodied living & my life based in reality.