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Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to ACTV8! Below are some frequently asked questions by existing members. We’ll continue adding to this list as the course goes on, so please feel free to check back often. If your question isn’t answered, click the Support button in the lower right hand corner and we’ll get back to you.

Weekly Q&A Calls

These calls happen LIVE every week. You will get access to these calls below your week modules, on your weekly course page or privatley set up with V via a support ticket.


To get the most out of the course, be on these calls LIVE and be prepared. Keep a journal from week to week, keeping track of your questions and blocks you need extra coaching on.

Weekly Guided Meditation

Each week Vanessa will lead a mindset guided meditation through Zoom.

This will be the place to bring your energy and intentions each week around what you are working on. V’s intuition will guide the program and this is an experience you don’t want to miss.

Join LIVE and watch the replay throughout the week.

Find all the details, click the Guided Meditation box in your specific course week.

One-on-One Sessions

You will have 3 one-on-one 30 minutes coaching session with Vanessa.

A welcome call, 4 week check-in and an 8 week wrap up.

You will be e-mailed a link to schedule your calls.

How do I submit my course work?

Send in your course work as a link to a Google Doc.

Here is information on how to share links to your documents:

Share Google Docs document as “Anyone with a link”

The Helpdesk system has a character limit so when you try to send long messages or attach large files, it will throw an error message. For this reason, we recommend small file sizes or links to document repositories. You can also email to the address below, allowing your requests to be put into our Helpdesk queue.

The Basics of Starting a Business

Sole Proprietor
No separation between you and the business. You are personally liable for any legal obligations in the business.
You are legally separated from your business and your personal assets. There are some local licenses and permits that are involved depending on the state. On the Federal level the IRS does not consider your business profits and losses separate from you. The owners are considered self employed, so they will still have to make the necessary self employment tax obligations.

Why do I need and what is a Registered Agent?

It is similar in all ways to a LLC except that owners are treated as employees with wages. Additional income is treated as a distribution and taxed at a lower late. The S-Corporation provides some tax advantages. A draw bank, they are more complicated to run due to certain requirements and documentation.

Resource: LLC vs S-Corp for Freelancers

Can you tell me all the software tools you recommend for business?

Yes. Here’s everything we recommend:

    • An Autoresponder – This will allow you to automatically send emails to your audience and build a list. There are lots to choose from – GetResponse, MailChimp, etc. We use MailChimp.
    • G Suite – cloud based productivity suite.
    • ScheduleOnce – This is the software we use to let clients book appointments and calls.
    • Wufoo  This is what we use to collect applications, and create forms. Google Forms – is a free service.
    • Zoom  Zoom is what we use to run live teachings, meditations and also our Q&A calls for ACTV8.
    • Vimeo – is where we upload and host our recorded live teaching and meditations.
    • Stripe  We recommend you use Stripe as your payment processor.
    • Xero – We recommend for your online accounting software.
    • GoDaddy – web domain, web hosting – they are really a one stop shop with 24/7 customer service. 

    You don’t NEED to use this software tools, but if you choose to use something else, do so at your OWN RISK.

Week 4 Homework FAQ

Q: About the Scorecard. I am unsure as to when we track our income weekly on the score card – is it that last day of the week? example: Sunday night before Monday’s new week?

A: It works well to mark your income at the start of the next period, that way nothing will be missing.
So, for example if I am looking at the week of September 18th (Monday), I would wait to fill in that data at the start of the next period, September 25th (Monday).  So each Monday you would be filling in the numbers for the previous week.

Q: On the VTO, Quarterly Rocks – when you’re asking us to put quarterly revenue/profit – is that strictly business based, or whatever income we have coming in through any source through this upcoming quarter? (i.e. corporate job, side jobs etc)

A: The decision is up to you. There are a few ways you could look at it:

1) If you want to imagine that you yourself are a business, and every way in which you work in the world is bringing in income, then it might be nice to log all revenue from all sources. Using the pro-forma in this way could also give you the insight to see when you might be able to stop doing some work you no longer desire, as the income will be made up by another new source.

2) If instead you want to treat this new venture you are working on as a “fresh start” and keep it separate from the areas in which you are currently making money, then I would encourage you to disregard the other sources for the use of this tool.

Why do you call this Modern Therapy?

Modern Therapy recognizes the shift in consciousness that has happened on our planet. The shift has moved us beyond our past traumas, allowing us to claim success overnight. Our minds just need to be reprogrammed. You were created perfect, whole and complete with everything you need inside of you.

The reprogramming begins by guiding you inward to face and clear any disbelief through learning how to love yourself. In order for the new programming to stick, discovering a spiritual practice that works for you helps deepen your self-knowledge and gain self-trust in your intuition.

By connecting mindfully and deeply every day through prayer and meditation, you continue to receive divine guidance every step of the way.

What is “The Work” and why do I have to do it?

The Work is your personal assignments that are being divinely given to you in your life every moment of the day.

Nothing good comes without hard work.

In order to shift your current reality, you have to put pride and ignorance aside to really discover that everything on your path is actually for you.

Recommended Documentaries that explore unique journeys of doing “The Work”!


Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru 

The Goop Lab

How does your work support connection and community?

When an individual is deeply connected to who they are they are experiencing life and all its experiences as a connected collective.

As I support people on their journey of self discovery they are waking up and joining this universal connected collective. As the collective gains new journey-ers it gets stronger and wiser and more people wake-up because of it.

What is your definition of free will?

The dictionary describes free will as “the ability to make a choices that are not controlled by fate or God.”

In order for good/bad, light/dark, and positive/negative to exist we have to have free will. The higher powers that be have designed this perfectly so we can have experiences and make choices.

Free will is a steady thread that runs through my work. I am not changing or fixing people. I am honoring the divine soul so you can begin to experience the divine within yourself. I am confident this is why this work works. People have been told what to do long enough. The human spirit intrinsically knows it just needs to be graced with the opportunity. This is also why I am not a fit for everybody. Having gone through this work myself, years prior to supporting other on their journey.

It is not glamorous, it is very courageous and painful to open your heart and accept and take responsibility for past trauma in not only this lifetime but past and trauma that your ancestors carried…passing it on to you.

What is a past life?

A hypothetical existence prior to the present one, especially for those believing in reincarnation; a previous incarnation.

What is Pure Source?

Think the most pure spiritual connection you could have.
It is very important to ask if your practice is rooted and sourced by Pure Source Energy.

Depending on the experience you need on your unique journey, it is common that people are connected to distortion through religion and family lineage.

Either way you will eventually evolve to Pure Source connection by always asking … “Is this Pure Source?”