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Episodes 013 – 015

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 I teach under the philosophy that everyone has all they need already inside of them.

[/cs_text][cs_text]Thank you for checking out my Women Seeking Wellness podcast interview with Dr. Stephanie Maj. I’m so happy you made it over here — you are saying YES to your spiritual practice!


Originally aired 1/24/16

Vanessa tells stories of her awakening, growing up in a chiropractic home and how the dark days lead her to a self-educated awakening and was lead into the Life Stylist she is today. She encourages curiosity, innate desires bubbling inside of you, asking and answering “What’s my purpose?”

We talk about being the beta-testers in Life! Vanessa has offered a FREE GROUP GUIDED MEDITATION to our listenership! Gifts from V: To receive these gifts from V, text to the number: 44222 the message VTOOLS no spaces and you will receive the digital copy delivered right to your inbox.

Thank you to Vanessa Feils for a wonderful series of interviews about Awakening to your Purpose in 2016!

To learn more about Dr. Maj, text to the number: 44222 the message YOUCANBEWELL no spaces and you will receive the digital copy of her book delivered right to your inbox.

You Can Be Well, too!

Dr. Stephanie Maj
Women Seeking Wellness
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