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Sales Training

Hard no – Watch your body language and feels – ick 

Hard yes – Glee, meant to be 

How to say no – “This is not a fit.”

When you don’t know – Address it and set the price higher – this can be a good determining factor

Sales categories

Wholesome Sale – this is the in your lap sale. You have to make the ask and they sya “yes!” These individuals trust you, trust themselves, are assured with their money and have the true deep desire to learn from you and critique themselves. 

Your goal is to negotiate 80% of the sales is what makes up your market. When you go toward these clientele you also attract more wholesome sales through their referral sources. This advertisement strategy is best word-of-mouth and face to face because they trust you and want to know the next step and follow the plan that you have for them. Price this service experience accordingly to alert the exchange.

These Wholesome Sales are often called your low hanging fruit. They have already accessed your work.

Pay It Forward – announce through your social platforms, email network, and community of family and friends so they know what you were up to!

Think friendly newsletter, example @petalbackfarm – petalbackfarm.com.

Private message these people with your events, courses, services etc. 

These people might ask you a question and you respond telling them about your services. 

Wherever You Are – It took me awhile to get out of the structured mindset of capturing clients, when I first got in business There are a lot of resources that connect you to people:

  • Google ads
  • Facebook ads
  • I G

You are also a walking advertisement – because you are your brand! Many times we have fear of that slimy sales person or network level marketer. That is not this! Your approach of direct heart will filter and of that out. All of you have skills and gifts that are ready to exceed, so when they cross your path, you have to spot it and call it out.

Example – Leigah Locke 

To transition from knowledge to intuit it is a skill. Give yourself grace, ease and freedom to practice.

When I was first in business I would go and landscape with my aunts company. I always had my business card on me. One house I got to talking to the homeowner (mother) and she was like … “I think you can help my daughter!” I ended up working with her other daughter who was overseas in Germany abroad. She then continued to be a client after graduating college, she went through ACTV8 and built her business – @cultivatedspace. In my mission statement at the time, I was claiming to have international clients. We even hosted an event together in Portland Oregon while I was on my nomadic journey. 

Angels and gems are on your path to convert to clients and this process will build your confidence. Some don’t need the confidence, example – Krisitin Rowell, General Mills.

You just have to be in your truth and that will never go wrong.

Let Leads Be – I am a word-of-mouth business, no ads, no marketing with hardly no help.

Every connection, event, opportunity – remain humble, blessing the experience to be exactly what it needs to be. Ask to be shown the way and be deliberate about your act.