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Meet Erin and Elizabeth

Erin & Elizabeth Anderson

Erin & Elizabeth Anderson

Wholistic Doctors

Get to Know Erin and Elizabeth

@levelupvibrateout | @twinlifechiropractic

Level Up, Vibrate out

Describe You:

We are heart centered intuitive holistic healers and chiropractors who specialize in the energetic and emotional bodies. Using our intuitive healing abilities we meet you where you are on your healing journey and further empower you with knowledge to live your best life.

Nature calms and heals our souls, so you can find us out in nature getting grounded into the wisdom of Mother Earth.

We have a deep love for all things that deal with energy and frequency. You will find us learning about herbs, homeopathic remedies, crystals, essential oils, flower essences, and so much more.

We believe that food is medicine and that when prepared and cooked with love you can heal many things. Because of this we have a deep love for the kitchen.

When we aren’t in the office you can find us adventuring with our Sweet Little Willow and her two puppies.

What guided you to V?

Dr. Elizabeth went to a Mind Travel Mediation. She intuitively knew that we needed to work with Vanessa at some level.


Our experience was life changing.

Reflecting back to where you started before ACTV8:

We deleted old programmings that were running in our systems that we were unaware of. We noticed shifts in our relationship with each other as we were playing out the roles that we subconsciously took on throughout our childhood. We were able to not only name the role that we each were playing out, but also witness it without judgement and release it.

What was the status of your brand before ACTV8?

✔ It developed out of the course

Did you receive guidance in any of these categories?

✔ Body Issues
✔ Past Hurt
✔ Trauma
✔ Relationships
✔ Inner Child

What are your 3 uniques?

Energy Medicine Healers
Intuitive Emotional Coaches
Light works & visionaries

What is your Mission Statement?

Teaching today’s society about their innate intelligence and that you already have everything you need within yourself

What did you create through ACTV8?

The emotional well-being you never received curated through different offerings.

* Our Signature 8 Week E-Course that is focused on self love and self development. This course will help you create real change in any area of your life with our hands on support and guidance.

* 21 day eBOOK to UP LEVEL your life in any area. This eBOOK will help you tap into your innate knowing while bringing MAGIC into your everyday life.

* Healing sessions that are done via coaching calls where you get our one on one expert guidance to work through any topic that you need help working through.

* Curated downloadable journal prompts designed to help support you where you need a little extra love.

What is your most powerful affirmation you set in ACTV8?

We are aligned to our highest souls purpose NOW! People elevate by thinking about us or by being in our energy field.

Final Thoughts from Erin and Elizabeth:

The warmth and welcoming energy of our field is present while you work with us. Your body will notice the calming essence that works with you while you work with us. Know that we have created an environment that is safe for you to share your truth. You will be heard and you will feel respected.