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Meet the Actv8 alumni

Karinee Lopez

Karinee Lopez

Medicine Woman

I would have to say that I am a woman of many traits but my life path has taken me to the route of being a Medicine Woman. A medicine woman is someone that help others see and create their own medicine. Whether your medicine is through herbs, spirituality, and other modalities your medicine is unique to you. I have learned that through my healing journey…

Get to Know Karinee

“At the time I met V I was very lost and had a lot going on within and she was a piece of the puzzle that I needed for my healing journey…”
Audra White

Audra White

Interior Stylist

I’m enjoying life as an ever evolving human in Portland, Oregon, where these days I spend a lot of time at home shifting my furniture, repotting my plants, pulling tarot cards and setting intentions to manifest the next layer of an authentic, soul-driven life…

Get to Know Audra

“I had been working with Vanessa to dismantle unhelpful personal stories and unlock a world of possibility through meditation and communion with my angels and spirit guides…”
Leigah Locke

Leigah Locke

Doula | Teacher | Health Practitioner

I am a spirited woman with a fiery passion who loves engaging ALL my senses as much as possible. I live for traveling, eating homemade/scratch food, music and dancing to live music, and bathing in the sun by the water…

Get to Know Leigah

“My experience in ACTV8 was exciting and challenging; my soul and heart was ready for it, but my physical body was still processing the magic. I stretched and grew with each layer we peeled back. I didn’t complete in in a linear timeline, but that was where the magic showed up…”
Kristin Rowell

Kristin Rowell

Functional Nutritional Therapist

I’m a happy dog mom who is passionate about helping people truly become their best selves. I am a Functional Nutritional Therapist, which means I help my clients get at the root cause of their health problems through the power of real food. I live by Lake Calhoun in Minneapolis, and I spend most of my days serving clients….

Get to Know Kristin

“I was interested in learning how to finally create a regular meditation practice. I was also feeling stuck in a pattern of bad relationships after years of traditional talk therapy. I was hoping that by creating a regular meditation practice, I’d figure out how to finally get out of my own way.”
Ava Beilke

Ava Beilke

Social Media Coach

Hey! I am a Social Media Coach and Self-Love Advocate. Born and raised in Minneapolis, I’m a city dweller that loves yoga and rap music (an unlikely yet perfect combination). My first big girl job was at Radisson Hotel Group…

Get to Know Ava

“I was guided to V because I was ready to uncover my purpose and actively pursue it. I had people in my life at the time that were actively pursuing their passions and I wanted to have the same thing for myself. I was continually running into frustrations because I just didn’t know what “the thing” was. Now I know, and I could not be more grateful.”
Lindsay Bednar

Lindsay Bednar

Writer and Entrepreneur

I was introduced to V through my sister, Kris, and began my meditation practice years ago. It began completely transforming my life and led me to the decision to pursue publishing…

Get to Know Lindsay

“I am happy to say that I’m now an entrepreneur doing what I love most- writing from the heart and working with people on their passion projects. I feel most alive when I am connecting with people and my career allows me to do that in so many beautiful ways. I am obsessed with my two kiddos and celebrating 11 years of marriage to my person. We have a fuzzy Newfoundland who is the baby of the family. In addition to family, authenticity, communication, intention, education, health, and faith are my roots that keep me grounded and whole.”
Elizabeth & Erin Anderson

Elizabeth & Erin Anderson


We are heart centered intuitive holistic healers and chiropractors who specialize in the energetic and emotional bodies. Using our intuitive healing abilities we meet you where you are on your healing journey and further empower you with knowledge to live your best life….

Get to Know Elizabeth & Erin

“Dr. Elizabeth went to a Mind Travel Mediation. She intuitively knew that we needed to work with Vanessa at some level.”
Sally Sparby

Sally Sparby

Personal Growth & Healing Coach

Interested in all things spiritual, personal growth, pilates is my newest obsession, meditation, building my business, reciting the mantra “thy will be done,” being with my family on the lake…

Get to Know Sally

“I realized that my fear voice is just my inner child. I learned to love her and help her heal vs be angry at her for blocking me. I feel like I have WAY less triggers now, too. More acceptance of both others and myself and REALLY embodying that I am perfect, whole, and complete!”